Copied from my Facebook page: So in the worst news you can hear file, our sweet Bosley has been diagnosed with inoperable bone cancer. This is the reason that his appetite has gone, and the reason he has lost 9 pounds over the past few weeks. Our world is just a total mess right now.… Continue reading
Mid-Year Update 2012
Well it is a little after the mid-year, but I thought I should make a post – if only for historical purposes. Since the last post (way back in April) a lot has been happening. Wedding Planning: This is continuing along and we have most of our wedding details sorted out (location, officiant, flights, hotel,… Continue reading
Another Anniversary
Well another anniversary celebrated yesterday, the day we closed on our home in Sorano. It is hard to imagine that we have been here 12 months. So much has happened in the past year that it only seems like a few months ago that we were moving boxes and I was getting ready to throw… Continue reading
Happy Anniversary!
A little over 13 years ago, I feel in love with Chris Moss. Thirteen years ago today, I set out on an amazing adventure across the world with Chris, not knowing what will happen or how life would turn out. Thirteen years later, I am still in love, and life continues to be all that much… Continue reading
Moving Onward and Forward
As I hinted in my earlier post, my time with Youth First Texas is coming to a close. While there has been a great deal of joy being a member of this organization, the internal struggles with personalities, and egos has made my ability to remain on the board all that more difficult. Today I… Continue reading
2011: A Review
I realized that, unlike what I did in 2010, I did not publish a set of goals for 2011. This does not mean I didn’t have any, I just didn’t get around to posting them (maybe that should be a yearly goal). That being stated, I did think it would be a good time to reflect… Continue reading
Happy Holidays 2011
30-Day Challenge (2011)
Back in 2011, there was a 30-day challenge being circulated, and here are my responses in order of posting.
Being Ordained
Did you know that I was ordained a minister of the Universal Life Church in August 2003? Well, originally I got ordained in 2001, but it seems my record was lost and I had to go through the process again, so my credentials say August 2003, so that is what I use. When I was… Continue reading