James is the #1 most common male name.3.318% of men in the US are named James.Around 4064550 US men are named James!source namestatistics.com
Vote.Com – MA Same-Sex Marriage
Massachusetts Becomes First U.S. State To Allow Same-Sex Marriages: Do You Agree With The Decision? When you vote, your opinion will be e-mailed to important decision-makers on the issue. To make your vote count, log on to: http://www.vote.com/vote/60238594/index.phtml?cat=4075633
Updated pages
Well I was kind of productive over the weekend – I decided to update my “ministry” page. I'm still working out a few design concerns I have, but will continue working on that over the next few weeks. Feel free to check it out. Hmmm… just realized I have to be at work in 30… Continue reading
Those bells are ringing ….
What a great day for same-sex couples today in Massachussetts. I've been seeing some news reports and it's just wonderful! Some protests, but only from those that help us get better coverage in the long-run. One group that was challenging MA's ability to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples was quoted as saying: But Ray… Continue reading
Unions and Elections
Well, my first civil union and it was pretty awesome 🙂 The two grooms were really nervous, but they were so amazing. The service was brief, and I think the guys were extremely relieved when it was over and they headed out of the room. I think the work that they both put into the… Continue reading
Take the What animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz
Civic minded people
Tomrrow is City/ISD/CCCCD Board of Trustees elections. Frisco is not having a city council election this year, as there were only one candidate for each seat. The CCCCD Board of Trustees have five seats open, but only two face competition. It seems that people are very happy with what is going on, or extremely disinterested.… Continue reading
You want to put that x where?
Well I've just finished my Algebra final and would you believe it, I got a freakin' “B” in the class! I am totally stoked, if not exhausted. Good days continue!
Something Divine about Doctors
Speaking of things to hang on my wall, today I was awarded my Doctor of Divinity from the Universal Life Church. This is timely as I have a civil union on Saturday to preside over.