It seems my friend Ian has been posting to his blog as well about our trip to Key West.
Sunny Days & Dolphins
What an amazing day! After a casual breakfast, we ate lunch – literally. Then it off to “Charter Boat Row” to board our boat “Easy Day” for the afternoon. Captain Tom from Easy Days Charter was our host, and we were able to acquire his services for a private charter – given that there were… Continue reading
Well Saturday is here … today we are going on a boat trip … looking forward to it. Very casual day for us today 🙂 Yay! I could get to enjoy this lifestyle!
Key West: Beautiful One Day, Perfect the Next
Well we've been here two days now and I think everyone is having a good time. We went to the movies last night. It wasn't “50 First Dates” but “Mystic River.” Not really a movie that I actually wanted to see, but it turned out to be okay … not brilliant. Perhaps the thought of… Continue reading
Only as Old as the Men You Feel
Well today I got officially older, and what better way to spend the day that wandering around Key West, Florida, enjoying a fantastic day in paradise 🙂 Chris decided that it would be great to get a group of friends together to go to Key West, and has been organizing this for a couple of… Continue reading
Words can be fun
I'm going through my email in one of my Yahoo accounts and finding all these emails from They are responsible for sending “A.Word.A.Day” and there are some fun words to be read 🙂 Today's word is: obtund (ob-TUND) verb tr. To blunt, deaden, or dull.
Cool Stuff
Found this fun stuff recently why trolling the web on a Sunday evening:
Movie Catch Up
I finally saw “Something's Gotta Give” last night (after having the DVD sitting at the house for a week). What a fantastic movie. Diane Keating deserves an Oscar or something for her performance. The crying scene along was enough to justify any award. Strangely, I had this unusual urge to console Keanu after being dumped… Continue reading
Further to my post, I've discovered that you can send the Corporate Office a fax through the internet 🙂 Here is the link: remote-printer.Cheesecake_Factory/