Many of my friends may have been seeing some posts lately on my Facebook about the Supreme Court of the United States’ (SCOTUS) pending decision relating to DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). These posts relate to the SCOTUS reviewing a challenge to Section 3 of DOMA which “codifies the non-recognition of same-sex marriages for all federal purposes,… Continue reading
Surviving Building A Pool
As many would know, Chris and I have spent the last few months planning and overseeing the construction of the large body of water in our back yard in the form of a pool. For the sake of others who may be considering going through this process, and as a reminder should we ever to… Continue reading
Where Does Time Go?
So today my odometer clicked over to 45. Where does the time go? It has been a question I have been asking myself for some months now. Finding time is something that I am not very good at, but I hope that it is something that I can work on. For now, here is a… Continue reading
I got hitched!
As I mentioned in my blog earlier, Chris and I decided to get married, and on March 5, 2013 I am happy to announce that we exchanged vows in Vancouver, Canada. For many years, I experienced some major conflict on the whole marriage thing, as I didn’t see the point in doing something that offered… Continue reading
RIP Bosley
Today (December 25, 2012) at around 2PM, we said goodbye to our dog Bosley. Everyone has milestones in their life, and one of mine was Bosley becoming part of our family. He was my sweet little floppy eared dog, and gave love freely and without any conditions attached. Today has been hard, but both Chris… Continue reading
Politics is personal
As the eve of Election Day draws to a close, I am sitting here perplexed by the state of this nation, and the people who live in it. For many of my friends (both real and Facebook), I am hopeful that I seem to be a reasonable person. I consider myself a progressive and have… Continue reading
Copied from my Facebook page: So in the worst news you can hear file, our sweet Bosley has been diagnosed with inoperable bone cancer. This is the reason that his appetite has gone, and the reason he has lost 9 pounds over the past few weeks. Our world is just a total mess right now.… Continue reading
Mid-Year Update 2012
Well it is a little after the mid-year, but I thought I should make a post – if only for historical purposes. Since the last post (way back in April) a lot has been happening. Wedding Planning: This is continuing along and we have most of our wedding details sorted out (location, officiant, flights, hotel,… Continue reading
Another Anniversary
Well another anniversary celebrated yesterday, the day we closed on our home in Sorano. It is hard to imagine that we have been here 12 months. So much has happened in the past year that it only seems like a few months ago that we were moving boxes and I was getting ready to throw… Continue reading