Karshner Triplets – hmmm… cingulicious! http://www.thekarshnertriplets.com/main.php?content=home
It seems that NBC and CBS have caused more of a commotion than they may have wanted with their refusal to allow an advertisement by the United Church of Christ, wish hopes to send the message that all are welcome in their church. You can read the statement about the refusal of NBC/CBS to show… Continue reading
Christianity Essay, Fall 2004
Comparative Religion, Fall 2004 Christianity is always a subject for interpretation. How does Søren Kierkegaard interpret Christianity in “The Anguish of Being a Christian”? How does his interpretation compare to your own? Or, if you are not a Christian, does his interpretation of Christianity repel or attract you? Explain. You can review how I responded… Continue reading
Potential Holiday Gifts
Well as that time of year moves toward us at a quick pace, I thought I would post some links to those ultimate gifts for those ultimate friends. Trash Talkin' Turleen – Sexy and sassy, our good neighbor Trash Talkin' Turleen is here to brighten your day. Touch her tummy and this battery-operated wonder will… Continue reading
Weekend Recap
A beautiful shirt, a lousy dinner, a wire that connects everything, and an orange room. Friday night I headed to coffee with Brian and enjoyed some time just chatting about men and the facts of life (all lives). After that, we headed down to Cuba Libre for dinner to celebrate Jonas' birthday. Chris was responsible… Continue reading
Would you like that gift wrapped?
Just one of the many personal items that Target sells.
Happy Birthday Jonas
Today, November 18, marks the birthday of my good friend Jonas. happy birthday sweetie!
Sixth Floor: Menswear, Satan, the city of Dis
I was hoping for something on the first or second floor, but I guess it's in the right place. The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell – The City of Dis!Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level Score Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Very Low Level 1… Continue reading
Headlines that make you go … what?!?!
My friend aRTy over in Oz posted the following blog headline: “Bush Orders Draft“