Was aimlessly wandering about cyber-land, and I found the following web page site description (from Yahoo Member Pages): Gay Master into hypnotism looking for gay slaves for hypnosis fun and play. So now I pose the following question. If you are hypnotized, how do you know if you are having a good time?
Site completed (for now…)
I think I've finally gotten my new site the way I want it. I'm learning more about themes and PHP as each day goes on, which is a hidden benefit (I guess). It's a content management based system, rather than hard-coded HTML/xml, which is like a fancy way of using frames without all the baggage.… Continue reading
Longtime Companion
Just got done watching Longtime Companion (IMDB, Yahoo! Movies). According to the blurb at Yahoo Movies, “A group of friends support each other through the heartbreak and gradual decline of AIDS.” Like other movies that came out around this time (1990), it captures the reality of what was happening at the time from the small… Continue reading
I found this movie last night while at W*lmart, and just watched it. It was really good. At first – when it ended – I was a little confused, but then I realized that the ending was connected to the conversation Bulworth (Warren Beatty) and Neva (Halle Berry) had when they first met about why… Continue reading
Website Update
Progress on my site redesign is coming along nicely. I've still got a few tweaks to make to the general feel of the site, and finalize my category layout – but overall I'm getting to be very happy with the outcome. Feel free to check it out and post/send any feedback you may have.
I got this email, and I just had to post it. This is funny (to me), especially the bill to bury books 🙂 Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 3:26 PM To: lgbt-politics@yahoogroups.com Subject: [lgbt-politics] 2005 Republican ‘Fire Oaths’ 2005 Republican ‘Fire Oaths’ January 27, 2005 http://www.christiangrantham.com Arkansas Rep. Roy Ragland (R-Marshall) hasn’t said what he’d… Continue reading
West Wing Update
I found a link to some articles on the future of West Wing, so being this is one of my favorite shows (could it be my most favorite?), I thought they were worthy of a reference. Alan Sepinwall over at the Star Ledger Newpaper (NJ) wrote a brief overview here. Part of his article has… Continue reading
Interesting subject goes here
I had my first Geology Lab tonight. I thought I'd walked into the class late (even though I was there at 6:58PM), as it appeared the instructor had been talking for hours, but “he'd just started” according to one of my table partners. Anyway, we identified types of minerals tonight. Not in the way that… Continue reading
PDA Post
I finally downloaded a PDA version of LiveJournal. Can you say *yawn*