On Tuesday, the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments on whether my marriage to Chris Moss should be valid in Texas (which it is currently not), and across this great country. Currently, our marriage is recognized in 38 states (plus DC), which means that our relationship has a different legal status depending on which… Continue reading
Happy Anniversary
Sixteen years ago today, I began a journey with a man that I had fallen madly in love with. Two years ago today (same day) I was one of the happiest men on earth when Chris Moss and I exchanged vows on our wedding day. Today, like everyday, I am thankful that Chris is not… Continue reading
Let me share something: I Am A Mentor!
Have you ever had a series of events happen where you just realized this was how something was meant to be? I have, and in part, this is what has me sitting at my keyboard coming out (again) as a mentor on “I Am A Mentor” day (which is celebrated during National Mentoring Month (which January… Continue reading
2014 Year in Review
As I reflect on the year that was 2014, I am reminded that (1) it was actually a pretty amazing year [with one exception]; and (2) we did a lot more than I could recall prior to sitting down and writing this. The following is a just a brief insight into the year that was… Continue reading
Website Update
It seems something is triggering an error with my blog, so while I work on this, please enjoy the bland theme.
The Day Colby Died
Having had some time to digest the happenings over the past few days, a few people have asked for the “what happened” with Colby. Here is a brief insight. Over the weekend Colby had a couple of great days. He seemed very happy and nothing really out of the ordinary (for us). He still had… Continue reading
Colby RIP
Colby (4/5/2001 – 4/28/2014)
Gay Football, What?
Disclaimer: I am not a sports person, and I don’t know all the correct terms for football, or for most sports for that matter. I’m happy with that, and it is with a great level of discomfort that I venture into this sports-world. As the title may suggest, this post has to do with athletes… Continue reading