As I reflect on the year that was 2014, I am reminded that (1) it was actually a pretty amazing year [with one exception]; and (2) we did a lot more than I could recall prior to sitting down and writing this. The following is a just a brief insight into the year that was… Continue reading
Website Update
It seems something is triggering an error with my blog, so while I work on this, please enjoy the bland theme.
The Day Colby Died
Having had some time to digest the happenings over the past few days, a few people have asked for the “what happened” with Colby. Here is a brief insight. Over the weekend Colby had a couple of great days. He seemed very happy and nothing really out of the ordinary (for us). He still had… Continue reading
Colby RIP
Colby (4/5/2001 – 4/28/2014)
Gay Football, What?
Disclaimer: I am not a sports person, and I don’t know all the correct terms for football, or for most sports for that matter. I’m happy with that, and it is with a great level of discomfort that I venture into this sports-world. As the title may suggest, this post has to do with athletes… Continue reading
Amazing Enterprise
2014 – Here I Come
As we start a new year, there is a tradition to make promises that one tries to keep throughout the year. I’ve attempted to do this over the years, with some success … and some failures. What I have learned is that what holds me accountable the most, is just writing these down. So here… Continue reading
The Year That Was 2013
What an amazing year 2013 has been. After a rocky start with the lingering effects of loosing our dog Bosley on Christmas Day 2012, the year that has become 2013 turned out to be a pretty great year. The year started with my mother and sister continuing their visit, and us taking a couple of… Continue reading
Frozen Header
My new header file was snapped in our back yard during the winter storm that passed our way on the weekend of December 6-8. It is always amazing to wake up to a white serene looking environment, but it is how the ice forms on things that always fascinates me. This was a couple of… Continue reading