For the sake of some friends that I was chatting to today about this blog (“The Search for Love in Manhattan”), rather than email the link, I thought I would post it here (I think this means trackback works, or something). The following link should take you the first entry made on November 17, 2003. … Continue reading
"Lord of the Hissy Fit"
Courtesy of towleroad, here are some of the funniest book titles made up from those romance novels that so many people read. Dame Barbara C. would not be amused.
tonight I went to Damir's birthday party (with Chris). His friend Keith hosted it – nice apartment. Cute boyz there, and some old (as in people I know from previous meetings) faces were there. It was nice to just catch up and watch the evening unfold. I've rediscovered my love for Butterscoth Schappps – dear,… Continue reading
Frisco's New High School
It seems the new High School (due to open in 2007) is going to be called Liberty High, after a principle, rather than a person or event. I thought it was worth copying a recent extract from Frisco Enterprise on the background of its name selection. Liberty High School: Opening 2007 (Near Rolater Road and… Continue reading
Is Ms. PacMan just PacMan in Drag?
An insight into PacMan, courtesy of 🙂
cute and brawny
I'd seen the second advertisement that has been released by Brawny, but I hadn't seen the first (watch the 30 second version). The guy who plays “brawny” is very yum 😉 Thanks to towleroad for the reminder and the links (oh and the following, which encouraged me to go take a look): The two commercials… Continue reading
Games People Play
… literally. I love my dyson. Now I love my dyson web site.
Every house should have one! It took me a second glance to figure out what this was. But it would certainly be a talking point, especially given that everyone always seems to congregate around the kitchen.
Sage, rosemary and thyme
… any ideas on what song that is from? Anyway, I'm not sure if I've promoted anything recently, so I'm going to promote Firefox — or more specifically, the extensions and plugins that Firefox has access to. Even more specifically, Sage (Firefox Extension Linky). Sage is an aggregator, but it's interface is very sleak and,… Continue reading