6 Years On. Dear Mom.

August 2, 2024

Dear Mom,

Today marks six years since you left us, and not a day goes by that I don’t think about you and miss you dearly. Your love and guidance have always been my anchor, and I find myself constantly drawing strength from the memories we shared. I wish you were here to see how much you’ve shaped my life and the person I’ve become.

This past year has been particularly eventful. We had the wonderful experience of hosting an exchange student, Michele (Michael). It was incredible to see the world through his eyes and to share our culture with him. As you had seen with our first two guys, they all become like family, and Michele’s presence reminded me of how much you valued family. I have often thought of how proud you’d be of this enriching and educational journey. You would have loved Michele, as I know you would have loved all of our kids.

We spent some time traveling around the USA, which I know you probably miss more than anything. We went to a few new places, and reacquainted ourselves with a few from years gone by. There have been so many locations where I’ve shared with Chris or Michele about how much you would have loved being there. Moreso when we revisited the Grand Canyon, and drove along Route 66. Traveling provides opportunities to enjoy moments of quiet reflection, and there were times when I felt your spirit alongside me. You always loved to travel, and I carried a part of you with me on every trip.

I still often find myself thinking to call you and talk about the things we are doing, and I hope you feel those moments as strongly as I do.

I miss you every single day, Mom. Your absence leaves a void that can never be filled, but I find comfort in knowing that your love surrounds me always. Thank you for being the incredible mother you were, and for continuing to inspire me even from afar.

With all my love,

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