2021 Election – City Edition

Always fun to get a different version of history presented to you on a hump day. Woke up this morning with a question about my alleged support for one of the candidates in the Frisco runoff election (yes, Virginia THERE IS a runoff election in Frisco).

To be clear, I am not supporting either of the two candidates publicly, but I definitely am doing all that I can privately to help one of them succeed over the other. Side note, from a diversity perspective alone Frisco Council changes regardless of the winner.

It seems that my having a coffee and chat with a city council member is news in Frisco (mind-numbing, I know). Yesterday, I met with Brian Livingston (at his request) at Summer Moon Coffee – Frisco TX (very tasty coffee) for approx. 1 hour.

<WH briefing mode on>

During that meeting, we discussed the following issues:

– health and how we are sometimes our own worst enemies when having to make changes to improve our health (though it is worth noting Brian has done a tremendous job with his goals),

– Frisco Fire Fighters requests of council and candidates and Brian’s support for these,

– The current state of play of the Republican Party locally and at higher levels,

– The lack of civility in local politics, and why that is the case in Frisco (and where it started, and how do we reduce it),

– a brief overview of the current workings of the current city council and its members, future plans and building on the plans that have been in place for decades,

– The city management team and the future of that post George,

– We each learned a little more about each other personally,

– We touched upon the current local city council race and the possible outcomes of that race (though not a focal point of the conversation), and the earlier race (May 1), and the quality of those candidates (and outcome of that race),

– We also touched – even more briefly – on the 2020 Council race.

What we did not discuss, and nor did Brian ask, is who I was supporting (see above).

During our meeting is when Jeff Cheney made his post, and this caused Brian’s phone to “light up” and our meeting ended shortly after that.

I thought the meeting was very cordial. And the coffee was really good.

<WH briefing mode off>

If anyone takes this to mean that I offered my support to either of the candidates during this meeting, this would be incorrect.

(originally posted on Facebook on May 26, 2021)