The time has come to reflect on the weekend that has just passed us by, and which many people spent time masticating hot dogs, burgers and other Americana. (Do you how long I've waiting to use that word?*)
The weekend began on Friday, like most others. Being the Friday prior to a long weekend, Chris got home earlier, so was unable to make any excuses for not attending the regular FriscoPride coffee soiree. It was a small turnout, but we were there on-time (the first time in a long time), which meant that we were able to leave by about 9PM. Layton had dropped by, and joined us for dinner with Bobby and Ian after. We then went to see War of the Worlds (which I've posted on already).
Saturday was a slowish day. I think the fact that we were up late with the movie, made it all that more easier to lay in bed and think about getting up, without actually doing it. We wandered over to Bobby and Ian's for burgers and fireworks, and joined and (actually we arrived at the same time). The burgers were good, though lacking beetroot. Ian had cooked a really yummy lemon cake, accompanied by some freshly beaten cream (I had to get a plug in for his new KitchenAid). After dining, we went to gawk at the fireworks over in another part of The Colony. It was quite nice. The night ended with a drink and game of pool at Bobby & Ian's friends, Jeremy and Jeff.
Sunday. Dropped by Fry's Electronics for a quick stroll through their aisles. Picked myself up a new mouse for the laptop … how exciting! Chris and I decided to go visit his parents “over at the farm” which is about 2.5 hours away, so we loaded the pooches into the car and headed east. It was a really nice drive, and one which the pooches just relaxed the entire trip. Naturally as soon as we got there, they (the pooches) went ballistic and started marking as many trees and shrubs as they could. While unpacking the car, I got bitten by (at least) three ants, which only becomes relevant later in the evening. We caught up with the parentals, and ate dinner, and then I spent some hours sorting out their computer network. During this time, I discovered that the foot that had been bitten earlier in the day, was not bloated, and hurting. I'd like to think to make me feel better, Chris's mom whipped up a Pecan pie for dessert – which was GOOD!! – but I think she would have made it regardless of my foot. Realized it was 2AM and thought, “no wonder I'm tired.”
Monday, we had a light breakfast, and then just spent the day preparing lunch. I actually avoided helping as Chris and his dad seemed very content to discuss the intimate details of rubs and sauces, which paid off as we sat down to the meal. The potato salad was another triumph! Shortly after, we piled the pooches back in the car and headed home. We were exhausted by the time we got back, so after standing up a couple of friends that we had planned to do dinner/fireworks with, we expired for an early night. Well I did at least.
* Answer: not long