I never realized how cheesy today was going to be, until now when I was writing the title of this post. Odd how these things all come together when you are thinking of something to write in a blog 🙂
Today, was mostly spent sleeping (got up around 12ish), and then pottering around fixing up some web pages that I ocassionally maintain, catching up on blogs (it was a slow day) and finally planning my education for the next few years. This wasn't really the cheesy part of the day, though the hair was kind of messed up.
A group of us went down to the Innwood Theatre this evening to watch “Eating Out“, a visually pleasing (not a reference to cinematography), yet plot non-intensive movie about a straight guy who plays gay to get the fag hag of the fag she is a hag to (I normally don't use the term so flippantly, but it's how it is with this particular movie). I say visually pleasing, as it has quite a lot of shirtless images of the two main (male) characters. Yes, Virginia … I can be that shallow.
Of course, one of more uncomfortably long, yet freakishly erotic segments of the movie, is where the fag hag is talking to the straight boy on the phone, while the gay boy gives him a blow job (I tried to find a more tactful way to put this, but somehow nothing would do what happened justice). Now, there were a ton of one-liners in that movie, that were delivered beautifully, though I wouldn't go as far to say it was “One of the most polished and brilliantly written indie comedies to come out of the US in some time!” (a quote from the website attributed to Lisa Daniel). It was very tasty 🙂
Speaking of which … what happened to the cheese factor? Well that happened before the movie at Cheeburger (yes, the 's' is missing), where we had a mediocre burger and oil-laden (but tasty) onion rings.
Oh, back to the movie for one second. If you do go and see it … WAIT till the credits are over … you'll be glad you did *wink*