Today was one of those days when you have an epiphany, and this one related to my future studies. I met with an advisor today (Terrence is THE best advisor, period), and we discussed what I should do with my life. Once we ruled out ending it (joke people), we discussed the fast-track options over at UTD. Now for most of you who read this, or have anything to do with me in person, you are probably aware that I've been talking UNT for the past few weeks. Well, it's back to UTD 🙂 The graduation probably did it for me, as I didn't realize I would save so much time in travelling just by going to Richardson. Anyway…
At this stage in my life, I'm thinking that I will transfer to UTD in the Spring, and begin my Bachelor of Science (yep) in Public Administration. I will be taking a number of classes in Government (at least 18), which will provide me with the criteria for teaching in a college environment. UTD has a fast-track program to the Masters in Public Affairs (MPA), and I can start taking graduate courses in my junior year (which thanks to Collin, will be my first year). All up, it should take me about 3 years to finish up my Masters program. Sadly, the only way that I could reach my goal of having my masters before I turn forty, would be to start at UTD in the fall (and right now that is not possible).
So … that is the plan du jour. I”ve a meeting with UNT tomorrow to discuss that option, just in case (I made this last week), and I hope to have a meeting confirmed tomorrow with UTD to discuss options there.