Spring Break for me starts this week (today). Collective yay please.
I need this week to catch up on homework, TJCSGA updates, SGA updates, Foundation updates, not to mention time to spend with my guy and our pooches, I plan on hitting the gym this week, and walking/running/riding/swimming – I'm tired of being paunchy. Besides we have our annual (bi-annual?) camping trip coming up soon, and I need to be svelt for my table top dancing. My fans would be disappointed if I chose not to overwhelm them this year.
I get a couple of sites to send me their word of the day. The Oxford Dictionary team sent me this yesterday:
[NAY-niz-um] the condition of being dwarfed, or the tendency to become stunted or dwarfed. Usually used about animals and plants. Nanity is the condition of having any abnormal deficiency. Both words come from a Greek word meaning 'dwarf'.
They've yet to respond to my question about whether the word can be used in the following sentence (keeping its meaning):
“Upon journeying to the camping site, my penis developed nanism causing a great deal of tormenting from my table top dancing spectators.”