It's long overdue, but I figured I should do a bit of a recap of the first week of March (or last week).
First day of March was a lovely Tuesday this year. I went to class (Minority Studies), chatted a little about our project (Gay/Lesbian Americans) and proceeded to work for the rest of the day. Eventful, huh ๐
On Wednesday, the SGA was meeting with Dr. Israel about the sexual orientation/gender identity paper which we submitted to the board for a policy update. (Background: The SGA, worked with the GLBT student organization and developed a paper that seeks to change the current discrimination policy [as it relates to students] to include sexual orientation and gender identify. Not one board member put this on the agenda for discussion at the February meeting, and instead referred this to the College President for review. A meeting was set up, which was the one this entry is about.)
Anyway for 80 minutes or so, we listened, discussed, agreed, and disagreed. The end result was the same as what we had started with. I guess this is a little unfair to say, as we did get a commitment to make a presentation to the April meeting of the board (though this was changed to May when we tried to confirm arrangments) on the issue, and we think that the board will be disucssing this in one of the policy committees. A number of my fellow students were a little disappointed, especially over the large level of irrelvant material that was thrown on the table. I like to think that I'm fairly focused when it comes to these types of meetings, however, even I was a little suprised over the amount of useless tidbits that were thrown out. A part of me feels that if they delay this long enough, it will get forgotten – but I must have faith.
Thursday was a little better, as I spent the day trying to get organized for my trip to Sweetwater, Texas on Friday. Again, I worked until 9pm and tried to get to bed as early as possible. I did get to bed, but sleep evaded me for a number of hours. Not sure why this always happens on trips like this.
Friday, I was up at 4:45 am and getting into the bus around 5:45 am at PRC. We left a little after 6 and journeyed down/over to Sweetwater for our Region II conference. The journey was a lot of fun, and we managed to get there on time. Suprising to me. I really like the group that went. It's odd, that I've never come out to many of them, and I challenge myself at times on why this would be important, but have only “come out” to one of them (he's really cool with it). We got home around 9pm, so I wasn't long out of bed.
Saturday was a catch up day, and then the dinner at Bobby & Ian's. Saturday was also my and Chris's anniversary. We had planned on going to a show that night (bad planning on my part), but we managed to change that to Sunday afternoon. It was nice to be just home with Chris and the boyz for the day. It wasn't great weather, but it was just nice. We even managed to take a nap snuggled into each other on the sofa – very nice!
Sunday we saw Bat Boy: The Musical, and then did an early dinner at Patrizios.