Speaking of giving birth to 16.7 pound babies, Chris and I have just finished the longest game of Munchkin I've ever had the joy of playing. Arguably the most strategic, and well thought out game of the year! After what seemed like hours – oh wait, it was – Jai () was declared the victor (with the last minute additon of strength from Brian). The goal of the game – it seemed – was not to let anyone win. Of course, the prize for backstabbing, vengeful actions lay in the hands of the master, as usual. I can only hope to learn have of what Ian has to offer.
It was a fun relaxing evening … well, except the parts where death threats were flying across the table, started off by a fabby dinner (prepared by our hosts Bobby and Ian), and ended in a blood bath (ie. Munchkin). It was nice to have a sit down meal with AJ and Danny – who I don't see often enough. It was also fun to see young Skylar again – he is growing up so fast; not to mention being watched over by his older brother Caleb. Naturally out boyz were very intrigued as to the smell that we bought home with us. I'm looking forward to the trip in March where they can all play together.
Did I mention it was cold? It took nearly half way home before I started to feel warm, and all we did was walk from the front door to the car (not very far). The cold front is shifting through, and we are meant to experience the low 20's tonight (already there) and the mid-high 30's tomorrow. Still, I should be grateful, given the blizzard covering much of the middle part of America.