Today I participated in the Frisco Freedom Fest (the local city's Independence Day festivity), and after a semi-enjoyable day (busy and hot), I have to say that I become quite despondent during the fireworks finale. I realized as I was watching the “oohhs” and the “aaahhhs” that we were amongst people celebrating their indepedence in a state and a country that has worked, and continues to work, at limiting the very freedoms that many of its citizens have fought for, and continue to fight for today.
I also had the realizaton that this festival was being put on by a city that had chosen not to act to become more inclusive of its citizens, and preferred to limit their tolerance, and acceptance to only those that are mandated by federal and/or state laws. It was quite disappointing and demoralizing to have these realizations as the sky was being paraded with the multitude of colors, shapes and noises.
Maybe I had too much sun π