Finally I've gotten the draft report out to the creek group and board for this meeting on Thursday. Frustration levels are running a little higher about this one, as all of a sudden people are interested — go figure. Add to that the update the website didn't happen as it was down… which sort of annoyed me more than I could imagine … but I”m over that now.
On a better note, I got a 98 in my History Exam!!!!!!!! (Overuse of Exclamation Points, I know.) I'm excited as my last exam was a C, so this is a tremendous jump for me, and with my last set of papers getting A's, this could be my third A for the semester. Now I will have to drop that damn algebra class *sigh*
Busy night planned … student leaders meeting this afternoon (we're giving away pizza, so we should have a reasonable attendance), and then a couple of board meetings (one very short one, and then one not so short one).
I should be working on my presentation on the Aeneid, but hey … it's Tuesday … and it's not due until Wednesday ๐