Former Frisco Mayor Kathy Seei to run for U.S. House of Representatives

Over the last few months, Chris and I have been working with a phenomenal group of people to support former Frisco Mayor Kathy Seei in her announcement (and her campaign) to run for the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008. She will be running for Congressional District 4 which is currently held by Representative Ralph Hall. While it may surprise some of our friends that we are supporting a Republican, it has to be said that she is a true republican in her ideals, and beliefs and both of us are very supportive of her in her journey. While still in it’s infancy, visit for details on her campaign.

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2 Replies to “Former Frisco Mayor Kathy Seei to run for U.S. House of Representatives”

  • Hmmm… I posted directly from DIGG, and thought it would have done that automatically (I was wrong). The error of my ways has been corrected! 🙂

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