Blue Wednesdays

Perhaps I'm just feeling low because of my tossy-turvy night, but I was feeling really blah today. I have a few things on my mind, and that doesn't help, but I'm thinking it's more the lack of sleep, or deep sleep. Colby was sick last night, so I got to sit up with him while he chucked outside. He probably ate a rock, and it wasn't settling with him. Still my boyz are like children, so I have to care for them even if they cause their own problems.

I had lunch with Chris today. This event actually made me feel all perky, so it was obviously something that I needed.

The rest of my day was spent just doing things. I did some updates on the Out & Equal site, and fixed a few formatting problems that had been added. Starting working on a new site design for the Student Government, but not sure if I will be able to get the college to load the tools I need to make a more effective site. I want to add a forum/bulletin board option, and a simple thing like PERL is not loaded on the web server. Little things …

A friend of mine did the Color Profile today. He's a White / Blue, like me. It sort of makes sense, except he has a higher Yellow than I do, so he tends to be more “fun” at times – when he's not in deep thought.

I hope tomorrow is a better day.