30-day finish – part 2

Continuing on the need to finish the challenge, here is the next part of this challenge (in a nutshell).

Day 20: Something that stresses you out

Things that shouldn’t. I don’t tend to get overly stressed out over big things, but the little things will eat me up from the inside. I have been working to control this more and I’m stressing less … but it does come out every now and then.

Day 21: 3 Wishes

As corny as these may sound, these probably don’t come as a surprise to anyone:

  • peace (at all levels of the world)
  • equality – the knowledge that everyone is accepted for who they are
  • good health – not just for me, but for everyone.

Day 22: Your favorite song

First one that popped into my head was “This is My Life” by Shirley Bassey. I’m not sure why, but this song has always resonated with me, and really stated how I feel about life in general.

Day 23: Your favorite book

I’m trying to get back into reading. Right now, I’d say my favorite book was “The Hunger Games” which was recommended to me by my Little Brother and which I devoured.

Day 24: Your favorite quote

“Live, and let live.”