Where’s the magic gone?

Saturday was Jonas’s birthday (he is now able to get cheaper auto insurance). For his birthday, he decided we should spend some time at the Magic Time Machine. It had been a while since I had been there (only once before), and I was quickly reminded how much I enjoyed the establishment the last time I was there.

The characters had changed since the last time, and it appears that “new” or younger characters were all the rage on Saturday evening (for example, Harry Potter, Jack Black [pirate], etc.). Our server was “Joe Dirt” who I had never heard of, and then realized why when it was explained to me that this was a David Spade character in a movie. Apart from being a forgettable character, he was actually a pretty good server.

Dinner was good, large portions of food. But by far the most entertaining element of the evening was Spiderman mounting one of the female teacher-friends of Jonas. The photographic evidence of that, along with an incriminating picture of Spiderman’s inner thigh, will be talked about for some time to come.

It was a fun evening with friends. Happy Birthday Jonas!

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