Hearing Set for June 30

It appears that the CCGLA Board of Directors have engaged Mr. Jay English to represent them in the suit I filed last November, and after he (English) requested a date, one was set. So this coming Friday, June 30, I’ll be finally able to present my argument to the Judge as to why CCGLA’s actions were improper. I’ll post how things go.

Suprisingly, Mr. English has cited this website to another court in another matter as part of CCGLA’s official response. Nice to know that I did such a good job in putting that information together 🙂 (Side note: CCGLA filed suit against the Collin Equality Foundation and certain board members on March 31, 2006, claiming that the actions taken by the board on November 16, 2005 were not in accordance with the CEF bylaws.)