Backdate? Who me?

For my regular readers who have visited me since my last post, and not seen anything, don't be concerned.  LJ allows backdated entries, which is much better than large posts playing catch-up (IMHO).

Today was the first day of the fall semester — Yay!  It was also the first day back at work since about two weeks ago, and today (Monday) is a killer of a day.  Ten hours (10AM to 9PM) at the “office” is not my idea of fun, but it passes the time *grimace*

So far today has been non-eventful, which is a good thing in the testing center.  There was this very, I repeat, VERY cute guy wander in today.  Blonde, blue, tan … sad really.  Anyway, the female full-time staffer was like “he's mine” and then serviced, er served him.  It was actually quite funny.  Probably the highlight of my day so far.  I repeat, Yay!